BC Coastal Ferries Community Engagement

What We've Heard

2012 Consultation and Engagement

The BC Coastal Ferries Consultation and Engagement, held from October 29 to December 21, 2012, was designed to consult and engage the public and stakeholders on the immediate challenge of achieving $26 million in savings to 2016, and the long-term vision of connecting coastal communities in an affordable, efficient and sustainable manner.

This process included:

  • 4,518 participant interactions in total
  • 2,056 participants attended 41 consultation events in coastal communities
  • 1,259 participants submitted feedback forms (988 online and 271 hard copy)
  • 703 written submissions
  • 500 people were randomly selected to participate in an online public opinion poll

The complete 2012 Consultation and Engagement Summary Report.